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It takes guts to listen to your gut

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"I wanna bathe in the moonlight until I'm fully charged
come into my power
and heal the broken parts"
- Kacey Musgraves


Get audaciously astrological updates:


*after purchasing through PayPal you can expect an email with a field for you to fill out with your birth information and any questions you have. You can expect your completed reading within 1-2 weeks from date of ordering!


Relationships Reading

Wondering about your partnership? Seeking your soulmate? Curious about how you show up in relationships? This reading is made to demystify and level-up your love life.

30 min video
$100 CAD 

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Career Reading

What work do you thrive at? What's your calling? What are your next steps? This reading is all about finding where you have ambition to burn and harnessing that power.

30 min video
$100 CAD 

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All About You

This is your long-awaited catch-up dinner with yourself through your birth chart. You're not imagining that feeling that you have massive untapped potential calling from inside. This is an hour and a half to be reflected in all your unique magic, validated in what challenges you, and empowered to chase what lights you up. It can be tailored to highlight specific areas of your life if you want insight there, or you can let the stars speak freely and discover major themes of emphasis on your path. 

1 hr 30 min video
$200 CAD

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All About You

Curious about what a reading is like? Here's a sneak peak:


"It was the fuel, encouragement and clarity I needed to make the next step in life with more confidence and connection to myself and the universe."

- Grace, Burlington, CA

How do you know your life is calling for more audacity?

  • You feel stifled, like you're not fully living. You notice you spend a lot of time trying to be liked by people.

  • You secretly have a passionate, wild heart, but tend keep it a secret.

  • ​Other people's criticisms stick to you like burrs 

  • You're fantastic at taking care of everyone but yourself

  • You can get dressed up and go out and have fun, but that feels like the only time your sense of self *sparkles* 

  • You feel like you're waiting for permission to express the grandiosity of who you are (maybe from the same people who once told you you're "too much").

  • You want to trust yourself but aren't sure if you can (or you feel, like most women, that you're constantly on the verge of "insanity")

  • You're drawn to practices that connect you with yourself and your body like yoga or meditation

  • You feel (or want to feel) deeply connected to the Earth and animals. People call you a tree-hugger.

  • You're drawn to feminine archetypes and mythology, and have a well-worn copy of Sue Monk Kidd's The Dance of the Dissident Daughter


Who you are is so much more than who you're letting yourself be, which you already know. That's why you feel uncomfortable. The chrysalis eventually does become uncomfortable for the butterfly who thinks she is still a caterpillar.

Who you are was written and forged in the stars, and by reconnecting with their loving, powerful wisdom through the portal of your birth chart, you reconnect with your strong sense of self, your body, your dreams, and the power you've always had to live them out.



About the Astrologer

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Bella Frances, singer-songwriter-astrologer

Hi! I'm over the moon that you've found your way here. I learned astrology during the pandemic while we were all making sourdough bread. I was 17 then. That time, as difficult as it was, was a huge catalyst in my life to live in a way that's really authentic to me (read more on that here). Including committing to what has become such an amazing career I'm building as a country singer-songwriter. 

If you're like me, you're a total geek about many things (lyrics, poetry, outer space, musical theatre, rom-coms, self-realization, to name a few of mine). You have always been called "too much," from high school to dating to family relationships and it always hurt because you're sensitive too, but you've been slowly discovering that you'd rather be rejected as yourself than accepted as a watered-down version of you.

I love helping people who feel stifled find and express their own unique magical essence, that thing you do that makes you feel the most like yourself, the elusive quality that Julia Cameron (author of The Artist's Way) calls your Vein of Gold. I find astrology to be a super effective tool for that, and I'm grateful to have the instincts for it. I've always loved staring at the stars, I just never knew they were staring back!

Every time I read someone's chart with the intention of uncovering their unique and magical trail to blaze, it helps me to blaze my own trail in the world as an artist, so thank you for being here.


XoXo - Bella


How astrology helped me find my feminine power 

This is a story of healing and reconnecting with my own feminine energy. I grew up with a keen awareness of the masculine and feminine energies and imbalances in this world. From age one, I travelled to my dad’s house in Toronto from the cozy small town cocoon of my life with my mom. I found the unfamiliarity difficult, but more difficult was that my dad didn’t seem to understand that. He expected me to feel about his house (then apartment, then condo, then cabin, then girlfriend’s house, then a new house again) like I felt about my home. But I didn’t. I tried to. But I would inevitably be counting the moments until I could return to my room, my toys, my friends, and most importantly: my mom. When I was very very young I would vocalize that need to my dad. “I miss mom,” were the words my 2-year-old mind found. “You’re fine,” was the icy-feeling response. So I quickly learned to be quiet about what I needed when in Toronto. And the quietness about what I needed eventually became complete silence about who I really was. I joke that I grew up with multiple personality disorder, because when I was at home where I felt comfortable and free to be myself I could usually be found performing entire musical soundtracks in the living room. Or leading my friends in organizing a lip-synch contest. Or dressed to the nines in blue feather boas, red lipstick, tutus, fairy wings, ball gowns … you get the idea. But when I was at my dad’s house I caged the wild bird I was and became the Dutiful Daughter, the never-complaining, never-difficult, easy-to-control, obedient child. I hid behind my books and pretended to be fine with scary movies and tried to tough it out. My opinions could be silenced with one sharp look, and then bake cookies to make up for stepping a fraction out of line. Packing my bag to go there felt like packing for a trip into pioneer times. I made myself feel better by pretending I was a time-traveller. In the grand scheme of my life, time spent that way was very little compared to how much time I spent at home where I could be me. It was every other weekend and half the summer. But the impact of that silence has been unbelievably powerful. When I was eighteen, I thought maybe it was my fault for hiding who I was. I had spent the pandemic away from my father and it gave me time to do some reflecting. (This was also when I learned intuitive astrology under the wise tutelage of Sarah Varcas and it completely blew my mind. Not only the vast insights I could glean by reading the charts of myself and friends, but how naturally it came – as if it was a forgotten mother-tongue I forgot I spoke fluently. Reading my own chart made me aware of my own nature in a very profound way. I developed my own understanding of natal charts and the stars, and came to this realization: who we want to be is who we are at our core. That is why we want it so badly. If what we want a beautiful relationship or satisfying career or a sense of power, it's because we are, respectively, a lover or a hard worker or a very powerful presence. That's just one example of something I became aware of through the intelligence of astrology.) I noticed I didn’t feel fulfilled in my relationship with my dad. (Understatement.) I thought maybe if I brought some things to the surface, explained why I became so adept at avoiding being authentic, that we could start to heal our relationship. Underneath this plan, I realized later, was the assumption that my dad must have known on some level just how superficial my personality (and therefore our relationship) was. He didn’t. Before I go any further, I want to clarify that this is not about villainizing my dad. I’m grateful for the force he has been in my life. This is about my coming to the realization of how I had shut down and silenced my inner feminine essence, and how the wounded masculine in my personal life and in this world had caused that. You see, I had never spoken up to my dad. Ever. And it was the hardest thing I ever did. And it didn’t turn out how I thought it would in the slightest. But it did initiate something for me. In fact, it got me in touch with my feminine power. I had never felt power like that before. So clear, so focused, so strong. Even through tears, I was articulating things stored up since kindergarten as if I was the mother of my inner child, defending the defenceless. Before that moment, I hadn’t even known it was possible to love yourself that much. So much that I did the one thing I thought I could never do. I stopped being quiet in the face of someone who had worked very hard to teach me I had to be. Interestingly, nature played a big role in this story. When I finally let the caged bird speak we were in the car on our way back from a rock-climbing trip. On said trip there was a moment where I had climbed up into a corner crevasse and not thought about the fact that if I couldn’t scale the overhanging rock (which I couldn’t), I would have to let go from inside the corner and swing way out over the bluffs because of the slack in the rope. This was a terrifying prospect. My mind was positive I would die if I let go of my hold on the cliff. But there was nothing to be done. So I looked up at the sky and let go, spinning as I glided through the sky. I think of that day as the day I first flew. It was literally like getting to be a bird. So much better than the death I had envisioned for myself if I let go. It was the exact same feeling when I finally let go of silence. It was just as scary, and ultimately just as freeing. What I realized later was that I had found the voice of my feminine essence (an energy not dictated by gender, but more of a yin/yang principle) and allowed its wisdom to be heard. As it turned out, it was only truly heard by myself. But that was enough. It was enough for me to begin living out loud authentically, in touch with my true nature. It was enough to make me take a minute to question the post-secondary institution path I was being shepherded down and give me the courage I needed to follow my dream of being a singer-songwriter, a career that is still only two years old as of this writing, but flourishing so beautifully and steadily. It’s clear that I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing, because it lights me up from the inside. It’s my bliss. It sparks joy. I love looking back and seeing the breadcrumbs laid out so carefully for me. Fiction by Sue Monk Kidd was on my 11th grade reading list, which led to my beloved copy of her memoir The Dance of the Dissident Daughter, which led to deeply transformative dreams full of messages from my true self, which led to me going even deeper in the songwriting I was doing. And of course, at the top of the list of things that showed up in my life to help me unveil myself to the world: astrology. If I hadn’t gotten in touch with my inner voice, my powerful feminine essence that is the source of my creativity and wisdom, and learned how to protect, honour and listen to it, I wouldn’t be using my voice in the world the way I am. I would still be silent. And one thing this world does not need is another silent woman.


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